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Manifestation for astro-bubble astrology blog

Here, in its original format, is an article I was commissioned to do for astro-bubble. On the site it appears in a different edited format. Here, I put my original piece:

What Is Manifestation And How Does It Work?

Manifestation is a word that we hear a lot, especially in the worlds of well-being and new-age science, yet, what actually is manifestation? Whilst there are many layers to manifestation, the critical essence is simple - you hold the power to turn your dreams and ambitions into reality. Of course, we’re human and we’re infinitely complex, so sometimes our minds or life situations can get in the way. We can all remember moments when we let a limiting belief or negative thought pattern stop us in our tracks. These are typically called pain points when we’re referring to manifestation. Typical pain points include self-doubt, fear, and lack of direction. They often stand in the way of manifesting what we want in life, and when we can learn to overcome them, it can unlock the power of self-realisation. This article will explore the question, what does manifestation mean? We’ll look at ways in which we can overcome our pain points and integrate successful manifestation into our day-to-day lives. Key Takeaways -Manifestation is the power to visualise and create the life that you want to live -Sometimes our pain points get in the way of this process -Pain points can be negative emotions, lack of confidence, or daily life challenges -In this article we’re going to explore manifestation and how to successfully bring it into our reality

What Does Manifesting Mean?

There’s a real buzz and excitement around the concept of manifestation, and for good reason. In recent years it’s entered common dialogue but it’s always been there, as long as humans have walked this earth. We’re essentially mystical beings and our thoughts and practices have a significant impact on our lived experiences. Through effective manifestation, your thoughts and desires can become your reality. Isn’t that breathtaking?! Manifestation lies in self-belief but also embraces the concept that there’s a larger plan for us than what’s immediately visible in our lives. Through a combination of affirmations, action, and gratitude, we can generate our desires. You’ve probably landed here at astro-bubble as part of your manifestation journey. Once you realise how to manifest what you want quickly, you unlock the full potential of this intention-based practice. This is where the true abundance lies. How Does Manifestation Work? So, we’ve examined what manifestation actually is, but how does it work? How do we implement it in our lives and reap the rewards? Manifestation begins with clear and focused intentions. Take the time to mull over what you’re actually envisioning - is it something that comes from a true desire to improve your life and the lives of those around you? For example - if you want career success, first examine your deeper intention. Is this career enhancement because you genuinely want to improve your working life, or are you coming from an angle that’s too rooted in competitive or greedy energy? When we come from a genuine and loving place, we find much greater success in this practice. Each of us will choose to manifest different things as we’re all highly individual beings. For some of us it might be a deep desire to improve certain relationships, for others it could be a need for improved health and physical well-being. It’s commonly understood by psychologists, well-being practitioners, and some doctors that our minds and our bodies are inextricably linked. This is one of the many aspects of manifestation - it begins in your mind. Some common ways that we can integrate manifestation into our lives include:

Setting your intentions in a clear way: First, examine what you truly desire. Be as specific as possible and then set about visualising your goal. Implement positive thinking and daily affirmations: Aim to repeat daily affirmations that relate to your goal. This could be through writing, speaking, and meditation, but find any method that you find that fits your lifestyle. Noticing negative or limiting beliefs that relate to your goal: As with mindfulness and meditation, it’s important to notice the intrusive thoughts but try not to judge them! Sometimes we’ll be filled with self-doubt when it comes to visualising our dreams and aspirations, but just know that you already possess all the power you need. We all benefit from guidance and it’s not a failure to need help or advice. Creating a physical vision board: Some people really benefit from visual

reminders. Creating a collage, drawing, or mindmap can help you stay focused on your manifestation journey. Remember that manifestation’s also action-based: We can’t just sit back and expect our dreams to come true. We’ve also got take practical steps in the right direction. Make sure that your daily actions align with your greater intention. Be mindful and patient: Manifestation isn’t a quick fix or an over-night solution. The process involves deep trust and patience. Notice the individual steps that you make towards the goal and breathe deep with gratitude at each stage. Make use of resources that delve deep into the world of manifestation: There’s so much out there - books, websites, and real-life experiences can help shape our manifestation journey. It’s invaluable to hear other people’s accounts and learn from their experiences.

What Is The Law Of Attraction? The Law of Attraction is a beautifully simple concept - the things that you think and feel are what you eventually attract. For example, if you believe that you’re unlikeable and unsociable you may find that you give off that vibe, ultimately meaning that you have fewer friends and less fun in social situations. Conversely, if you internally repeat to yourself that you’re loveable, fun, and deserve great friendships, you’ll probably find yourself surrounded by deep and loving relationships. Emotions, intentions, and thoughts are all energy. This energy flows out into the universe, and because everything else is also energetic, what we give out is reflected back at us. The Law of Attraction can work in positive and negative ways, and it’s up to us to harness it so that it works for us. We’re not suggesting that it’s easy to attract the right energy, especially if life events or trauma have left you with low self-esteem or negative emotions. It takes time and is a slow and loving process. By repeating the things that we want to attract, we can eventually encourage them into our lives. The Law of Attraction is tied up in manifestation - they’re essentially two sides of the same coin. When we understand them we can welcome their power into our inner landscape, it’s truly exciting when we realise the potential we hold! How Can I Implement The Law Of Attraction Into My Life?

Many people find that this process can feel a little false at first. If you’re used to your mind telling you that you’re unworthy or useless, repeating loving affirmations may seem a little foreign at the beginning. As you travel deeper into the Law of Attraction you’ll see that it really does work, and you’ll start to embody the positive thoughts and emotions that you’re nourishing yourself with. It’s also important who we surround ourselves with. If every day we’re surrounded by people who talk negatively about others and try to tear them down, it’s more likely we’ll think critically of ourselves. When we’re surrounded by people who are on a path of self-discovery and awareness, it’s much more likely we’ll also feel encouraged to put good energy out into the world.

Good energy can mean caring for others, encouraging people’s goals, and always trying to act from a place of respect. As humans we often echo the actions and behaviours of those around us, so be aware of who you choose to spend your time with and how it can affect your manifestation journey.

Lastly, be really mindful of the language you use. If you often say “I can’t” or “I wish I could, but” you’re robbing yourself of the brilliance and abundance you deserve. How To Manifest What You Want

So far in this article, we’ve closely examined what manifestation is, how it works, and how it aligns with the Law of Attraction. We’ve looked at some common ways in which we can manifest the things that we want, but we’ll dive deeper into this with the top 5 manifestation methods used by experts in the field so that you can implement them in your manifestation practices. Gratitude: This lies at the foundation of everything. Without deep gratitude for all that you already possess, you’ll find it difficult to attract abundance. For example, you may not love your current job and are manifesting a more exciting and better-paid one. In the manifestation process, it’s important that you project gratitude for the benefits your current job is giving you. Perhaps it offers you some semblance of financial security, or will serve as a foot in the door to your dream job. It may not always seem immediately obvious what you should be thankful for. Perhaps you’re manifesting better health as you find yourself in a difficult daily health struggle. Even within this genuine pain and darkness, when you focus you will find aspects of your life that you’re grateful for. Focusing on these, alongside your daily life, may alleviate some of your suffering and help you with your manifestation of improved well-being. Meditation: In your manifestation process you may want to include meditation. It can really help you identify thought patterns that may be hindering your progress and focus your mind on your true goal. As you go deeper into this mediation practice, you’ll find that you can visualise your goal with intense realism. Seeing your dream in your mind in such a vivid way will be invaluable in manifesting it as true. Vocalisation: Previously in this article we discussed the importance of visual aids in the form of vision boards, and it’s no surprise that it’s equally as important to speak your manifestations out loud. Whether this be to yourself in the mirror when you’re alone, to a trusted friend, or whispered as you walk through nature, any type of vocalisation will help your manifestation become realised. Incorporate astrology: Here at astro-bubble we love to integrate astrology with each aspect of our lives, manifestation techniques can be really enhanced if you come at them with an understanding of astrological and planetary signs. Understanding your birth chart can give you a deeper insight into many aspects of your life. It can help you understand the motivations behind your specific manifestation and the unique path that you’re on. Inspired action: Action is a kingpin in the method of manifestation. As we discussed earlier in the article, we shouldn’t just sit back and wait for our dreams to come true. Any actionable things that we can do to push it along are golden. Yet we should be aware of being too pushy and desperate in our actions, as this could potentially create suffering for us or others around us. The Bottom Line On Manifestation

So, manifestation is essentially strong visualisation and inherent belief in our goal or dream. Through a series of focused practices, we can get closer to our goals and take hold of our deepest desires. With a mixture of positive thinking, gratitude, and action, we can attract what we want into our lives. FAQ’s

What does manifesting do to you? Lots of research points towards positive thinking having great overall effects on our bodies and minds. So, aside from the true goal of manifestation, the process itself can have a deeply positive effect on us. Does manifesting really work? Many people report that their manifestation technique resulted in them achieving their goals over time. Of course, the best way to answer this question is to try the things we’ve discussed in this article and see for yourself. How do you manifest exactly? Through a series of physical and mental exercises, which we’ve discussed in this article, you can aid the process of manifestation. Yet the most important thing is your mind, and it’s focused and repetitive affirmations.

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